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General description of the Refugee Council of Lower Saxony
The Refugee Council of Lower Saxony (Flüchtlingsrat Niedersachsen e.V.) is an independent human rights organization, that operates at the level of the federal state Lower Saxony. The Council was founded in the 1980s as an association between several initiatives, organizations and private persons. The aim was to stand up for the protection of migrants and refugees and to campaign for a fair and human life perspective for migrants with an uncertain right of residence.
We are convinced that a country’s democratic values are reflected in its treatment of refugees. Hence, we support all refugees independent of their legal status and together with them we fight for their legal claims that arise from German and international refugee law.
We closely monitor the development of asylum and migration policies at state, regional and municipal level and assess and comment these developments based on our statute and beliefs. While we are mainly active in the federal state of Lower Saxony, we also work at state level in close cooperation with members of churches, trade unions, charities, as well as with the Refugee Councils of the other German federal states – all within the federal association Pro Asyl.
On operational level, the Refugee Council realizes a variety of projects with different target audiences and focuses. Among others, we run a project that deals with the issue of labour market integration, another one focuses on legal counselling for persons in pre-deportation detention, and another one seeks to improve the situation for unaccompanied minors and young adults.
Throughout the Refugee Council´s entire work, meaning within its different projects, but also as an independent NGO, it aims at providing extensive support to refugees and migrants.
Flüchtlingsrat Niedersachsen e.V.
Röpkestraße 12 | 30173 Hannover
phone: (+49) 0 511 / 98 24 60 30
fax: (+49) 0 511 / 98 24 60 31
email: nds(at)
Telephone consultations
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays: 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Tuesdays and Thursdays: 2 to 4 p.m.
Contact for press inquiries
Kai Weber
(+49) 0511 / 84 87 99 72 or (+49) 0178 / 17 32 56 9
Further reading
To continue with our independent work, we are urgently dependent on donations. Your donations help us realize projects, carry out public engagement, organize events and trainings, realize brochures, working aids and magazines, carry out campaigns and support refugees directly.
Donations account
Flüchtlingsrat Niedersachsen e.V.
IBAN: DE 28 4306 0967 4030 4607 00
GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG